how to Breeding Koi Fish and taking care of Baby Koi
how to Breeding Koi Fish and taking care of Baby Koi
Breeding Koi page has a lot of valuable information. You may want to bookmark this page or print it out to have as a handy reference as you will use it often.
Breeding Koi and taking care of your Baby Koi can be an exciting process, watching nature at work, but it can be a hard job to do. Especially if you do not have a lot of time to watch your Koi. As you well know (if you already have Koi) they are full of surprises, and the same goes true for breeding Koi. Having given birth to a new generation, they would as willingly eat it as see it grow up. This attitude will continue until the baby Koi are maybe 3 in (8 cm) or larger in total length.
Correct nutrition makes a major contribution to the vitality and color of a fish, so supplement the normal diet of your Koi (while in the spawning tank) with good quality frozen foods, such as bloodworms and daphnia. Feeding these prepared foods will made up for any live foods that the fish are not eating wile they are in the spawing tank.
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